When buying medicines online, you must always get a prescription from your doctor first. The pharmacy must also be licensed to sell the medicine. The FDA and NABP have online tools to help you find a safe pharmacy. Beware of scams, which can include fake medications. Also, always avoid giving out personal information.

Before buying a prescription online, make sure that the pharmacy is licensed to sell it. In addition, the pharmacy should be located in the United States. There are also safety and security issues to consider. The FTC monitors internet pharmacies for illegal activity and investigates reports of counterfeit drugs. The agency also offers a guide for...

When buying medicines from an online pharmacy, you should always ensure that the site is legitimate. There are some websites that may not be trustworthy and some that may even be illegal. Before buying your medication from a website, check its legitimacy and look at the pharmacy's history. Many of these sites sell counterfeit medications, phony...


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